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Information > Booking Conditions

Booking Conditions:

All products advertised in this website are bound by the relevant suppliers terms and conditions and are subject to availability. Please request these through our support centre should you have any queries.



It is the responsibility of the lead passenger to disclose facts about any passengers that may affect their ability to travel e.g., a) Criminal Offences (Persons wishing to travel to the USA that have any criminal records including driving offences, must declare these at the time of booking the holiday) b) previous deportations from the destinations that you are travelling to.



It is a condition of booking that you take out adequate and sufficient travel insurance cover. We reserve the right to refuse to accept any order placed by you the customer if you are unable to provide proof of cover.



Each supplier reserves the right to change their product offering. The prices shown on this website are valid at the time of input; however we reserve the right to change our prices or other details at any time. Prices may go up or down. Our sales Agents will always confirm the correct price or advise of any amendments before your booking is confirmed.



We cannot be held responsible for any loss or delay that may occur as a result of passports or visas not being produced for travel. The lead passenger must be aged 18 years or over and must accept responsibility for all products booked.



 Please note; other suppliers terms and conditions may still apply.

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